I Know What You’re Thinking!

Whenever I’m discussing communication with clients, I often find myself challenging them on their assumptions about what other people (family members, manager, friends) might be thinking in specific situations. “How do you know?”  How do you know what they are thinking, if you haven’t asked them?  If you’ve not asked them, then you can only […]

Stress or Anxiety – Differences Make A Difference

Do you know when you are stressed, or could you be anxious instead?  There are vital differences which everyone would benefit from being aware of.  Both are caused by our own thinking and “perceptions”, as in they are experiences we have decided in our own minds are concerning, and in many cases others wouldn’t react the […]

Are you Suffering from Decision Fatigue?

Think about when you’ve had a very busy day at work, you’ve made lots of decisions on strategy, resources, management issues, budgets etc.  When you get home you are faced with even more decisions to make regarding the family, what to eat, where you might go on holiday, activities with the children.  Sound familiar? At some […]

A Cocktail for Every Occasion

In this article I wanted to review what you can do as an individual if you are feeling psychologically threatened and demotivated. Part of our brain (the Amygdala) monitors for threats (physical or perceived), checking against similar experiences that you need to be wary of and/or setting us up to take action.  When active examples […]

Blind Panic and Stress of Presenting

Ever found yourself having to do a presentation and you are absolutely petrified?  There are many articles on presentation skills, in order to improve your delivery, your appearance etc.  However, despite reading all of those, my experiences of doing presentations still felt terrible. This is what used to happen to me.  When I was 23 […]