Real Life versus Online Communication

One of our most important motivational needs is “connection”, through social interactions and building relationships.  If we don’t feel connected with others, we feel stress or a heightened sense of anxiety.   With our amazing technology, it’s often assumed that social media and interacting online provides what we need to feel that level of connection.  […]

It’s Important to Accurately Assess Our Abilities

Can you be sure that you’re accurately assessing your abilities in the workplace? Most of us will have heard of imposter syndrome – a term to describe a feeling high achievers have when they cannot recognize their success and are afraid of being exposed as a fake or a fraud. Sadly, a lack of confidence […]

Reducing Zoom Fatigue

Zoom fatigue – yet another phrase we would never have said or heard of this time last year! And it would be fair to say that many people are in the “I’m bored of it all now” stage.  2020 has certainly been a masterclass in seeing how mental anxiety and stress increases when we are […]

Tool Kit for Keeping Spirits Up

As humans, uncertainty is something we don’t really like. And we’re current all experiencing the biggest period of uncertainty in our history. Uncertainty is contagious, fuelling anxiety in many of us. We try to pay attention to every opinion or scenario, ending up feeling overwhelmed. And that’s because uncertainty triggers the fear part of our […]

Breathing Out Stress

As we breathe approximately 20,000 times a day, inhaling and exhaling about 15 to 20 times a minute, you’d think we’d have it all under control.  But no!! Think about the last time you were in a stressful situation, made a big mistake, or were asked a question in a presentation you couldn’t answer.  What […]

Changing Small Words

  When trying to achieve success for goals and targets, changing a couple of tiny words can help you move your focus from negative to positive. This can be really useful for your own success, but also when talking to others.   It’s amazing what little changes can make.  Find out how coaching could help […]

Be Kind To Yourself

It has recently been reported by Researchers from the University of British Columbia  that students who reported higher levels of self-compassion also tended to feel more optimistic and energetic during their time at college. As with other methods of positive thinking (and moving away from negativity), their self-compassion levels rose in line with overall motivation […]

Project ME!

What is it that you want to change for yourself this year?  What are your targets and goals for your development that you want to put in place? Change isn’t easy, and it’s rarely fast.  The initial decision to change can be fast – can be overnight.  Something happens, someone says something – and we […]

I’m Not the Creative Type

I’ve lost count of the number of people who have told me that they’re not creative.  Unfortunately, until a few years ago, that included me! My belief was set in stone for me when I joined a management consultancy (as one of my first full time jobs, many years ago).  The directors wanted me to […]

Have You Got Your Best Face On?

At work, whenever someone came up to my desk to ask me something, I automatically put a smile on my face to greet them.  I had learnt over the years that apparently I look miserable if I’m not smiling!  And it came as a shock to people when I wasn’t smiling!  More recently I’ve learnt […]